Mesa Moment: The preached Word won’t change anything about you until you DECIDE that you WANT TO live out biblical truths.


Write this Down: If spiritual knowledge is not cultivated, it will diminish. (As the writer James would put it, "spiritual regression happens when believers stop practicing what they have learned").


Just because you are active does not mean you have been moving with purpose. While salvation is a gift, a lack of growth can result in a life that fails to glorify God and fulfill His purposes. Dismissing the truth about Calvary is one of the main reasons believers fail to grow spiritually. If you truly understand how much you have been forgiven, it should lead you to live a life that reflect God’s holiness and mercy.

Perseverance allows us to stay committed to God’s calling, even when the circumstances of life get challenging or progress is slow.


Perseverance actually prepares the ground for godliness… As we endure trials with faith, we become more like Christ, and our lives increasingly reflect His holiness and love


Peter’s list of virtues is not random… Self-control builds on knowledge because it governs how we apply what we learn.


Perseverance depends on self-control to maintain discipline through trials.

Godliness crowns these efforts, reflecting a life wholly devoted to God.


No person in the family of God should “feel” like they are not apart.

Don’t let anybody you know “feel” like they have “slipped through the cracks”.


True spiritual maturity is demonstrated when we can love all people with the selfless love of Christ


My vertical relationship with God empowers my horizontal relationship with people.

At no point is it ever acceptable for these virtues to become and remain stagnant.


Walk boldly, Grow deeply, Trust fully in the God who carries us toward perfection.


God’s promises are like the stars; the darker the night, the brighter they shine. Walk boldly, Grow deeply, Trust fully in the God who carries us toward perfection.

Write this down: My growth is dependent upon my response.

Mesa Moment 1: God is always looking for ways to make you better.

Write this down: Spiritual maturity is not instantaneous; it is a lifelong process of being conformed to the image of Christ.

Mesa Moment 2: Your growth is dependent upon His power, not your own strength or intellect, but you are invited to actively participate.

Write this down: The journey of spiritual maturity is marked by progress, not perfection.

Mesa Moment 3: Spiritual maturity is not about reaching a final destination in this life but is about being progressively shaped by the hands of God.